Parkinson’s Diner Monthly Zoom Session
Join our newest monthly Talk with the Doc affectionately known as Parkinson’s Diner! This new Q & A with Dr. Amber Van Laar, Movement Disorder Specialist, will take place on the third Friday of every month from 12:00 – 1:00 pm. The first one will occur on Friday, January 15. Visit THIS LINK to register.
Handwriting Workshop starting on January 5th
Has your handwriting decreased in size due to Parkinson’s? If so, we can help! PFWPA is partnering with The Art Cart and offering a 7-week virtual workshop known as Let’s Combat Micrographia
This workshop will take place via Zoom on 7 consecutive Tuesdays starting on January 5, 2021 from 10-11 am. Registration is $40 and includes a workbook, journal and writing aids.
To register and to learn more, visit THIS LINK (space is limited)